Do You Look At Yourself As The Sum Of Your Weakness And Failures?

In the past weeks as i was going arround the townships checking teams and doing the programs,i realised that most of the townships take their failures as the block for them to succeed in life instead of them taking failure as a steping stone so that they can be the ones who are going to change their family background. This question was always on my mind so i justfelt like sharing this with everyone. 
Most of us have a problem with our self image. I think the root of the problem is that we do not really know who we are,where we come from and where are we going. Typically our self image is based on the opinion of others. Growing up we have been labeled and branded by a lot of names, mostly based from our weakness and failures.

“You are such a loser.”

“You will never amount to anything.”

“You’re hopeless”

There are a lot more nasty words that have been spoken to us that have shaped how we see all come from an individual to change what the people say about each other all the bad things they say to make them become positive.....this to me i take it as a desert wherein is up to an individual to bloom in the desert

The desert can be a powerful experience. It can strip us down. It can also be a place where we confront our inner demons that haunts us. The desert can purify us and bring out the greatness that lies within us.

Our past mistakes also have broken our self image. Our mistakes have caused us so much pain that it lead to self-hatred. We have become our own worst critic. Sometimes it is you who put yourself down more than anyone else.

being positive always is the way to go.

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