Don't allow this time to turn you into someone you are not. Be humble, stay genuine, help others and be authentic all the time.

So today(06- April - 2020) when I was busy doing my crafting, minding my business and obeying the command of the President by staying at home, there was a knock at my door, because I play my sound to the last bar I could not hear the knock, eventually, it came to my attention and I rushed to see who is it. At first, I thought maybe it was people from the health sector, to my surprise, it was a stranger who looked untidy and thuggish, for a moment I was appalled I thought I'm being mugged. He noticed my face gesture and he calmed me down and explained his "surprise visit". All he was asking was food to eat, luckily before the lockdown, I bought tins in twins, I let them in and he grabbed the seat and we started chatting and eventually shared the tins and some clothing.

You know the most heartbreaking thing about the conversation I had with the man who knocked at my door. He said, "I've been walking since early this morning, knocking at people's doors. You are the only person who opened for me.

Never underestimate the power of random acts of kindness. We live in a brutal and selfish world but as a leader show compassion and generosity to everyone.

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