Just the other day when we were allowed to play outside 

So many of us in the townships have been in emotional, psychological and financial lockdown for years and we know that to cope with fear, isolation and loneliness we have to have hope.

Since the beginning of lockdown, I've been learning and analysing in & out of my life. The challenges I endure each day specifically in normal life and compare them with now(lockdown), there's just a slight change, nonetheless, the routine and the beleaguered are the same. I'm faced with a battle of survival. There's nothing wrong with living for survival but wait until you are confined nor locked down in a shack or a small apartment then you'll understand living for survival it's a hassle and very depressing.

With so many things that keep unfolding in this difficult time good & the bad, my hope & prayer to each and every person living in an extremely impoverished environment is in never give up. Keep inspiring, up your skills, share and love. As much as it's difficult let's not throw the towel yet.

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