There's a supermarket next to my place and it has been robbed four times. The first time, robberers broke in through the roof, removing the roof sheets. They took airtime and other food goodies, they also damaged some mealiemeal leaving the store in a massive mess. Nobody saw them because it was midnight and people were all sleeping. They only saw in the morning when the owners came to open for the day. The second time was in the afternoon and people were still roaming around on the streets and others were inside the shop. When the criminals arrived, they had guns, their faces were covered, and they ordered people inside the shop to lie down so that they can take charge. While others were pointing their guns at people, one of them went behind the counter so take money. The seller hesitated in taking the orders therefore the man beat him on the face with the gun. When he fell, the man took money and airtime. Then they left, leaving everyone scared for their lives, and my nephew was also inside the store.

The third time was more serious and the victims were severely injured because they got shot and ended up in hospital. They even sold the store and i think it is because they'd had enough of this cruel act of people who don't want to work for themselves. No one in their good minds can tolerate this kind of act. I recall i'd just arrived from an open air that i attended at my church and it was around six and seven in the afternoon. I got worried because there were more than four police cars, an ambulance and people came all out to watch. People in the communities sometimes come out only to watch when something bad happens, not to offer some help so i guess they only wanted to watch. It was bad because there was blood inside, outside the store and on the street.

The last time when they broke in was also through the roof, but to the current owner since the store was sold. I was chatting to him about this cruel act, asking him how he feels about it and how it affects him. He said it hurts that he works hard yet the criminals just come in and take for free. He also mentioned that the act affects him emotionally and physically. But he mentioned that he will make sure they never break in again but he refused to say how hes going to do that. 

It's shocking that people don't want to sweat to get good lives yet God destined each of us for greatness. I believe that every person was created for a good purpose which is to unleash their full potential on this earth. It's total cruelty that must stop! Anyway, what a person saws is what he/she reaps.

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