It always good to see defferent youth all over this country moving and doing something.As a  South African person I know how it defficult to live in a society where many people are  un employed for me I think is that the reason why many youth people are ending up smoking Drags and alcohol.

We are living in the time  there is no works like in the past, according to my reseach during the times of 80's and early 90's many people where get payed , more people where  working in the big industries  and companies many people where planting, Look today many people are unemployed many people are not working people are not planting today like in the past year's and I asking my self what really happens people.

Durring the easter  holidays I was at E MABHELENI near PORSHEPSTONE, my aim was too to visiting my family and my former school mates during the time when I was young. there is only thing I lean't about the this place is that is not as the same like in the past many plople are sitting down and many people are now smoking Drugs smoking alcohol and now the sad thing is even the people are not doing any thing to I mproves there lives, the good thing is more people spending there time in playing soccer which is a good and doing Ingoma (Zulu DANCE).

Lastly,we all expected to go to vote on the 07-05-14, let us go and vote please, let us change our society not only in urban araes let fight with urbanisatiopn people must try to work hard In every thing there do let us not waiting for gorvement to do things for us.


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