''Tell Me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I may learn''....Benjamin Franklin

Let us talk about children

-Tell them and they will forget, Teach them and they may remember, involve them and they may learn.

A child's mind cannot only be spontaneous but can also be easily influenced, not by force but only by charm and attraction.

Remember that a Child cannot tell what is wrong and what is right.
For them if it makes them happy, it is right and if it brings about unhappiness, it is wrong.

This is where our leadership is needed.
This is where we come to teach them the right things in a way that makes them happy.
It is where we need to involve them in activities with good lessons in a very funny way of doing.

This gives us a chance to let them enjoy what is right and grow with it.
It gives us a chance to keep them away from the street where they might learn the opposite of what we want to implement in them.

Consider something that might keep them busy during weekends and weekdays after school hours.

-every weekend there is a tournament, They compete.
-Whether they win or lose it doesn't matter because the main aim is to develop their interest In sport and have fun with it.
-But Nobody wants to accept defeat, not even a 13 year old.
-for them not to be defeated they will need practice and encouragement.
-That is what the after school hours will be used for.
-eventually this becomes their hobby, they live it, they prey it.
-They are kept away from the street.
-They are kept away from drugs and alcohol abusers.
-they are taught to make living out of what they are given.
-And lastly, they are prayed for

All we need is good leadership, willingness to teach and good examples

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