This is the exciting launch (not lunch) of a NEW competition that will take place right here on

The objective is to get young people to share their thoughts and feelings through blogs. You can also write a poem, song or story, but the main idea is to express yourself in ANY way. Even adding a picture. 

The competition will not focus on the normal Youthzones topics of sport, IT, life-skills and enterprise, but it will have to be about a specific topic. You can choose which topic you want to write on. To enter, the #topic has to be in the title of your blog and, importantly you have to add it as a 'tag', just enter the topic in the block called Tags:

Prizes will be given EVERY week and includes over R100 000 of prizes, ranging from footballs and phones to airtime.

Winners will be notified through this website.

So, here are our topics until February: (in no particular order)

Hustle for Cash, entrepreneurship in the township #hustle

HIV Aids as part of our daily lives #hiv

Gay and Lesbian Views in My Community #lgbt

Leadership Success Stories #lead

Gender Issues: women face challenges and solutions  #gender

Crime and corruption #crime

This competition is sponsored by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Views in blogs or comments do not represent their views and editorial administration is conducted by Youthzones in conjunction with AmaVerkykers.


Although we encourage healthy comments and debate, any personal insults or fighting will be removed and members blocked. This has to be a safe space where we discuss with sensitivity, maturity and respect.

Views: 865


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Comment by smanga masilela on July 7, 2018 at 1:28pm

# how i lost it

I would like to share with you my unpleasant story of my life which is very painfull that happened two months back on the month of April

It was 16h00 when i knock off from work and the bus was already on its way, i decided to takè short cut to the bus station. On my way i saw a torn cloth nearby the path when i got closer to that cloth my eyes could not believe what i saw, there were two items hidden under that cloth,while i was still there a security came behind me and he yelled at me. He said those things belonged to me and told him that they were not mine. He then told me to go with him back to the shop so that he could tell the managers that he caught me. I refused to go with him because he was going to make up a story. I then left him and went home.

The following day i went back to work, before i could start my shift securities came to me and took me to the police station and opened a case against me. I spent almost 6 hours in the police cells before my colleages could come and bail me out.

On my way out mymind confused they called me to sign some papers, i was not thinking straight i was confused i signed them. After i was trying to to get back to work they told me that i admiited guilty in the police station and i signed a admission of guilty so they can not take me back to work.

This is how i lost it.

#this how i lost it.

Comment by Sipho''barthez'' mathonsi on November 8, 2017 at 10:41am

is good to be back is being a long time since some thugs come and still my property but here I am today trying to recap and good news around my place they gave me an opportunity to play with the kids after a long time I requested to play with them today I wake up every day to face different people, it huts a lot to see other kids not going to school because they don't have certificate but what I like most they come in number to learn a thing or two soon I will be back in full force

I miss you family

Comment by Samuel Mokwana on January 23, 2016 at 8:47am
#drugs and alcohol are destroy the most people
this situation of anyone use drugs and alcohol is difficult because if you don't have qualification you struggle the main thing is to stop abusing drugs and alcohol if you don't change you safe long time and I will encourage you focus in your life don't do something to impress someone mind before you do it.many people we lost hope at ally time so if you lost hope what you think in your life you discourage the community couse first thing you want to do stolen because you want money to pay drugs and alcohol so simple way develop yourself and ask ideas to do a right thing if you are poor don't stress your self just pray a god to help you all the time you told everything you want it.the youthzones programmes are help anyone develop yourself
Comment by dee on January 19, 2016 at 9:04pm


Comment by Denice Bongani Maphanga on January 16, 2016 at 8:52pm

This is the exciting launch (not lunch) of a NEW competition that will take place right here on

The objective is to get young people to share their thoughts and feelings through blogs. You can also write a poem, song or story, but the main idea is to express yourself in ANY way. Even adding a picture. 

The competition will not focus on the normal Youthzones topics of sport, IT, life-skills and enterprise, but it will have to be about a specific topic. You can choose which topic you want to write on. To enter, the #topic has to be in the title of your blog and, importantly you have to add it as a 'tag', just enter the topic in the block called Tags:

Prizes will be given EVERY week and includes over R100 000 of prizes, ranging from footballs and phones to airtime.

Winners will be notified through this website.

So, here are our topics until February: (in no particular order)

Hustle for Cash, entrepreneurship in the township #hustle

HIV Aids as part of our daily lives #hiv

Gay and Lesbian Views in My Community #lgbt

Leadership Success Stories #lead

Gender Issues: women face challenges and solutions  #gender

Crime and corruption #crime

This competition is sponsored by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Views in blogs or comments do not represent their views and editorial administration is conducted by Youthzones in conjunction with AmaVerkykers.


Although we encourage healthy comments and debate, any personal insults or fighting will be removed and members blocked. This has to be a safe space where we discuss with sensitivity, maturity and respect.

Views: 368

Tags: crime, gender, hi, hustle, lead, lgbt

Comment by Denice Bongani Maphanga on January 16, 2016 at 8:49pm


Comment by Denice Bongani Maphanga on January 16, 2016 at 8:32pm

Leadership Success Stories #LEAD

Comment by Danile GQWETA on January 14, 2016 at 10:38pm
Is so good to be part of youthzones cose we have to work hard nd work as family nd shared thing's among each other such ideas life skills etc and we don't do football only .
Comment by Danile GQWETA on December 11, 2015 at 5:04pm
I thank you youthzones even though was hard to take some small boys nd bring them to soccer ground but i maneged to do so nd know i am the person i am today because you teach me to be come cool have strength to the things that I'm going to to thank you.
Comment by Danile GQWETA on November 26, 2015 at 8:16am
It's so good to be part of youthzones because it changes lot of communities around different areas nd I'm one of them nd i change lot of people lifes by bringing them together aspecial youth doing life skill's with them so i wanner say thanks youthzones again thank u.

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