Firstly, who am I to say which one is the best or the worst qualification in this life we are living? To my own life experience, I can say the following, the best qualification is to do the best (or bestest if the word exist) in the little I am entrusted with and lead by example so that when I talk or live with others, I can not be disqualified. To show character and get up when things went wrong in life, no matter what, where, whenever. The degree of life. Is easily to be swerved away from the reality, humanity and morals if one easily take pride of so called "qualification/paper" r wealth. No offence to anyone and I cant even put a blueprint on everyone who falls in that box. There are lot of individuals who excels in both fields. Knowledge is powerful but still depends what kind of knowledge do you acquire/obtain. some knowledge can lead one to be ruthless criminal and some to be a very helpful good guy. How much do I value others, How much I respect and love others, How much do we enreach (create hope) each other as we live or encourage each other to believe more, things are going to be ok, selflesssness (especially egocentricism, am I doing to feel good or am doing it for all of us to feel good. Do I put people first or oneself first) etc, for me these are my masters and PhD 's. And of course, one 's background differs and make individuals to differ in the later stage of lie as one matures. I always had this thing when still studying medicine that when I finish I want to enjoy life as much as I can because it is very hard to study for seven years. The pain and irritation of going through all that to get good or so called comfort life and always playing soccer at the same time. That s life, I guess. Is easily to forget or even irritated by someone who begs or even wants good life or enrich themselves through injustice or not working hard. Even to be friends or assist these individuals is very challenging if you had to work hard to where you are and give to someone who is going contradicting route. Much of the times I try to act against a situation where I contradict oneself with what I talk and act at the same time. I will and always do things like there is no more tomorrow, because tomorrow is got its own issues. i dont know what will happen next, and I am not in control of that. I am saying this still in great shock of my life and learning daily in Siyabuswa, The lads were in my room till early hours of the morning, 2am, busy learning computers. Incredible. The way we live or act can destroy more hungry souls there who are trying to enrich themselves to become what they want. I guess life got own formula.

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Comment by Schalk van Heerden on November 2, 2010 at 8:57pm
the first rule in any effort to help others is DO NO HARM... what scares me is how easy it is to do harm unknowingly in efforts to do good... the Youthzones project teaches me alot, not the project as a dead thing, but the people, situations, challenges... there is a whole history of stupid umlungu's , i hope not to add to that too often.

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