We all at times ask other people for money or help.

When we do that it is easy to feel bad, like a beggar, or inferior. Yet, if we beg, lets be smart.

When you write an email, make sure it looks professional:

- Add a smart descriptive Subject in the Subject line.

- Start with a Dear Sir or Dear Mr Whatwhat.

- Use paragraphs

- Never use sms spelling like tx, gr8, etc.

- Use capitol letters, especially for names of places and people and I, not i.

- End with your full name and name of your organisation, plus contact details, address, etc.

Writing neat and clear without mistakes is the first non-negotiable.

Then, if you want someone to give you something for free, you have to answer the following question clearly to yourself and somehow to them: 

Why should they help me? 

- Why should they help and give away their hard earned cash?

- Why should they help you specifically and not someone else?

If you have great answers to these questions, you will be successful. Nobody owes us everything. We must build a convincing and attractive case when we ask someone something.

I dont mean to say we should beg, but when we ask, we must be sure to ask in a stylish, proactive manner.

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Comment by tshepo malwela on October 1, 2013 at 8:31pm
I have to agree with u on that one Schalk we have to be smart when coming to that for someone we asking help from to be convinced not because he/she will be feeling sorry for u but convinced with the approach and the way u asking for help.

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