Today the world we are living at is very tricky. People are killing, stealing and destroying people 's lives(directly and indirectly) for money and so called 'survival'. We are enriching ourselves through destroying our own brothers and sisters ' lives. We tend to value more, the material, money, our egos, our foolish ambitions than our fellows' lives and worse our own lives. Where is the loyalty today, honesty etc. Today is money first and we shall see later in terms of morals. No more conscience. Is good to learn more and not be satisfied (hungry to achieve more what you want to do in life) but definitely is very wrong to go in a world where there is a tag around you saying you are part of development or religious organisation and you see that as to enrich yourself. I definitely myself (on the spot) think if one needs to make money and be rich, one needs to go out there to the world of survival of the fittest (it can be business, profession where one can make hel of a money). Today we dont have time to share a meal on the table as a family. Today we dont spend time with our children, family, relatives. Today children are brought by strangers than their biologicals. We are busy chasing unsatisfying, unfulfilling and purposeless materials hence we talk about affluenza, we dont have time for ourselves and our families but chasing the wind. Who can catch the wind? All this chasing made majority of us to live with insecurities, ambitions and egos which tend to make us neglect basics of life like hard work, honesty, loyalty, morals, love, hope, faith, kindness.... and through this neglecting we tend to be lazy and live with funny dreams and ambitions and once one get an opportunity where we are in the religious, governmental or development organisation (easy money in the name of the poor), we are definitely dangerous to the society. That 's where we talk about corruption, stealing, live fancy out of someone 's cost. This is not black or white. We will take anything out for our benefit to fill that void. We are hungry and we are in the wrong canteen to get the food. I ask myself everyday that am I assisting to make the world a better place to live by loving, doing what is right, just and fair to my fellows. Am I thinking of others and myself? And non of us is perfect for sure rather I say the world applaudes effort than knowledge. And is never too late in life and hence I witnessed this with my own life that anything is possible once one you believe and put your mind and action into it. I dedicate my life especially to my current work with pride and one thing for sure is worth billions of rands. I work for work? Most of even my money goes to my work. It is their money.

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