Advantages,disadvantages and characteristics of an Entrepreneur

The Advantages of being a an entrepreneur
1. The opportunity to control your own future
2. The opportunity to reach your full potential
3. The opportunity to make a difference
4. The opportunity to do what you enjoy
5. The opportunity to earn more

Disadvantages of being an entrepreneur

1.You could lose the money you put into the business
2. Your income will be uncertain
3. Your Working hours will be long and hard
4. You will have to face stressful time
5. You have to be responsible for everything that goes on.

Characteristics of entrepreneu
1. Has a desire to take responsibility and be control
2. Steady confidence in their ability to succeed
3. Orientation toward the future
4. Skills to organising
5. Love of achievements

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Comment by wayne on October 15, 2017 at 2:25pm
With all being said its about time we as young adult start thinking and implemeting entrepreneurship to our community amd learn to be innovative as much as we can

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