The first step to your accomplishment it's an acknowledgement of the current situation. Make peace with your current constraints, then make a plan on how to not drown. I took all the knocks, whomps, and smash whom the lockdown brought into my life. However, I never disappointed myself by giving in. Instead, I kept hoping, believing and planning.

After all, these years of trading why is it that my business is not sustainable? Maybe I need to change my attitude towards money and my way of saving. Things will never be the same, a promise to my self.

Today it was one of the hardest days of my life ever, especially in the selling realm. I must say it took courage for me to allow myself to be vulnerable while going around the street of Tembisa selling and shouting Chocolate! R5 Chocolate! R5 I'm not used to mobile selling, it's exciting though, I enjoyed it. It's never too late to learn new things.

Maybe the magic prevailed within the lockdown knocks. The lockdown drained me, at the very same time it gave me enough time to think and to evaluate the next step, here I'm exploring the first step. Still, a long way to go.

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