Who i am?What am i made off? Who created me? not who gave bath to me. What is my pepose in this life? Do i wish i can be born again? Do i know life? What do i know about my first day in this earth? Yes i am here now so what? Do i wish i wasnt born? Why do they gave barth and they got me? Must i blam my parent why do they gave barth to me? How far am i to my success? Is time running out for me? Am i to old to try hard to get same opportunities? Must i alwyers wait for same one to pull me up? When am i going out there and say my name until they give me attention to do or say what i made off? When is it my chance? Thats it about me? Thats all? Thats over about me? Should i GIVE UP? NOT ME NOT EVEN YOU..Less go all out people we can achieve more.THANKS to Youthzones for giving us such an opportunity to exprese ourselves in so many WAY.
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