Precious Mphogo's Blog (36)

What an Excitement.....

In God we trust....Being part of YZ is like a special calling...Calling to uplift our community and every one oround us....It happened that my soul mate is from one of the deep rurals of Burgersfort. I met few talented soccer players....we bonded and they joined my team...three of them passed their matric....i helped them in looking for tertiary spaces. At the begin of the year my Wife to be created email addresses for them they even used my office so often, they feel like i am thier brother,… Continue

Added by Precious Mphogo on March 2, 2017 at 10:16pm — 1 Comment


By Loving yourself and love any other person you come across, you automatically love God. God will Love you too. Love, care and respect is greater than going to church every Sunday to show up your presence, attire and show off when preaching.  

Added by Precious Mphogo on May 5, 2016 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Family Matter

Hi sweet family. How do you deal with the issue of adicts. One of my boys was doing wheet and alcohol behind the team's back now his addiction has irritated some of the guys in the team because he borrow their money for his cravings and fail to pay back. They come and disclosed it to us the coach, we tried to talk to him together with the team he said that he will stop. We noticed that he is still doing it, we went to his parents to alert the they shown no interest in talking to him and… Continue

Added by Precious Mphogo on February 29, 2016 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Discipline and hardworking

Peeps may wonder why i like martial art movies, especially tai-chi movies. I call them the movies of natural arts. These kind of movies teaches about:

1. Passion

2. Hard-Work

3. Discipline

4. Creativity

5. Inspiration

6. Patience

Nonetheless Achieving most difficult goals.

watch few of them and learn. Bare in mind that nature of life is to grow and progress towards fulfillment  …


Added by Precious Mphogo on February 9, 2016 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Walk of Life

A day-to-day walk of life is a learning curve to every person. Many things are happening to our views. they come in a various way. some are bad some are good. we the zoners are willing to learn and experience   positive things. believe me or not; two wrongs doesn't make one right. if somebody you use to know makes a mistake try to correct him unlike laughing or gossiping him/her. i myself have learned that the most important person in my life is the one who is correcting me from…


Added by Precious Mphogo on February 9, 2016 at 9:07pm — No Comments


He Who is not disciplin will never beat us. Most supreme team will be raining from Steelpoort soooon. MSA eat, drink, sleep and dream soccer. Joined Steelpoort LFA league recently and not yet defeated.

Added by Precious Mphogo on December 7, 2015 at 5:51pm — No Comments



Mr Precious Mthembo Mphogo



Brief Life Background


Rose in a deep previously disadvantaged community where there is a lack of various…


Added by Precious Mphogo on November 20, 2015 at 11:26am — No Comments


Title      : Festive Poem                                                                                Poet      : Precious Mphogo


We were nine and ten

If I am not mistaken we were eleven or twelve

Now we are seven and eight

If am not mistaken we will be five and six


We are Mothers and Fathers

We are brothers and…


Added by Precious Mphogo on November 5, 2015 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Learned about the Dunes and camels. Dunes are the sandy mountains, the dunes can be moved, reduced and raised by the wind. Camel can go for three weeks without water but they eat too much, they feeds…

Learned about the Dunes and camels.

Dunes are the sandy mountains, the dunes can be moved, reduced and raised by the wind. Camel can go for three weeks without water but they eat too much, they feeds on grass and tree leafs. Camels cant bites or kick, they are peaceful and human friendly.  


Added by Precious Mphogo on May 4, 2015 at 10:44pm — No Comments

The biggest thing I miss in Mzanzi is my boys and steelpoort soccer teams. I am happy that they have resolve their issues of mass promotions and others. Surely the league is up and running. I will be…

The biggest thing I miss in Mzanzi is my boys and steelpoort soccer teams. I am happy that they have resolve their issues of mass promotions and others. Surely the league is up and running. I will be hosting a tournament. around June as a means of giving back to the people who make me visible & shine. Though I will be looking for sponsors to help as I will be putting in few thousands of rands. Steelpoort be prepared for YZ Precious under 15 Winter Challenge.


Added by Precious Mphogo on February 17, 2015 at 6:18pm — No Comments

ijob ijob

My days are numbered in Mzanzi I will miss my MSA boys. My pride my team my academy my boys my brothers my smile. These guys means a lot to me, I have slender about 5000 of my salary to them. Soccer Boots, beeps, meals, etc. They are my families. Spending time with them made me beat and overcome lot of difficult situations that could have completely destroyed me.

Added by Precious Mphogo on January 14, 2015 at 8:09pm — No Comments

New year

Happy new year to all of you YZ members. 2014 passed by. You always saying next year I will start again, I will register for my part time cause, I will start a debating/soccer team, i will stop smoking & I will do this & that. These is the year you have been waiting for. Start now, put your wills to real. Happy New year happy 20fit in

Added by Precious Mphogo on January 4, 2015 at 4:21pm — No Comments

Namibia my Begining


Added by Precious Mphogo on December 18, 2014 at 7:44pm — No Comments

Word of Faith

The hand that gives is the hand which is receiving.

Added by Precious Mphogo on November 27, 2014 at 7:55pm — No Comments


We safely arrived to Namibia on Monday. We were introduced to some FTC members and managers. The FTC is made out of caring and good teams. It is that why the company is considered the best company in every aspects as far as companies are concern.

You are the next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Added by Precious Mphogo on November 20, 2014 at 8:36pm — No Comments

Another life, another journey, another country Namibia

It is a great privilege to be noticed as 1 in many. I will wish to take this opportunity to pass my sincere gratitude's to MSA guys, Dube, Doc, Schalck nevertheless my dedication and love to what I am doing around Steelpoort. I feel very Hornerd to be given this opportunity to go to Namibia.

My teacher once told me that a journey of 1000 mile began at home. I will step on Windhoek's soil with pride as I will be representing the previously disadvantaged communities of Steelpoor, MSA,… Continue

Added by Precious Mphogo on November 13, 2014 at 9:32am — No Comments

We had a wonderful time with the guys from Pretoria. We feel honoured and fortunate to have such a visit. It was sort of inspirable and fun at the same time. Thank Doc, Alek, Rudolph, Schalk and Yout…

We had a wonderful time with the guys from Pretoria. We feel honoured and fortunate to have such a visit. It was sort of inspirable and fun at the same time. Thank Doc, Alek, Rudolph, Schalk and Youth Zones as an organization   


Added by Precious Mphogo on October 2, 2014 at 10:53pm — No Comments


Yesterday was the saddest day of my life i have experienced the abuse of alcohol by under aged. It was around 11h00 when i come across a certain liqour retailer in Burgesfort Tubatse Crossing Mall. about 100 14 - 17 years boys & girls were lined to fill some cooler box with booze. Two cops passed by the area nothing happened. The black community is slowly driving to the wrong direction in the name of rights. Local resorts were filled with drunkenness the grounds are empty even starting…


Added by Precious Mphogo on September 8, 2014 at 12:24am — 1 Comment

Womans Weekend

We at Steelpoort hope that our wife's there had a nice ladies weekend and enjoy the rest of your month ladies. What a Windy weekend in Alverton thanks for the game guys for sure you learned your lessons. 

Added by Precious Mphogo on August 11, 2014 at 3:06am — No Comments


Mokororwane Sports Academy is now a legal entity it is registered with the directors of the NPOs as an NPO. Attached view our profile. Click the link to view MSA profile: …


Added by Precious Mphogo on July 26, 2014 at 1:24am — No Comments

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