All Blog Posts Tagged 'lead' (6)

United we stand divided we fall # Leadership

Its so sad how things turn to be when we are divided  but good when we are united  lets build a foundation that will create a strong empire a youth that wont be shaken but pass legacy to the next generation a youth that when called upon come running and join hands and do things together regardless of gender ,race lets unite and be one it doesn't matter which community you from weather poor or rich but lets unite the poor and the rich and bring a strong hold empire that will not be moved a…


Added by Diepsloot kasi lami on March 1, 2016 at 1:32pm — 5 Comments

#Leadership Success Stories

As a leader you have to think your workouts as your important meetings you have scheduled with yourself in order to get results most often we set targets but we fail to do them not just because we cant do them but just that you under estimate yourself no one in this life has no time we all have it but we just to lazy to use it or we kill it doing unnecessary things if you can real check on your day to day activities and track down how much time you spend doing positive things or negative…


Added by Diepsloot kasi lami on February 25, 2016 at 8:26am — No Comments

#Leadership Success Stories

Added by Diepsloot kasi lami on February 22, 2016 at 8:10am — 5 Comments

#Leadership Success Stories

One may say to be a leader you have to kill so you can gain power but thus not true to lead needs people with passion a vision without it you may lose direction and people around you get along the path of death as we know you lead by example and leave to leave a true legacy which leaves people with hope one once said leaders don't complain but find solution to the problem yet solve with out any favoritism but judging in an fair and free judgment that resolve the matter if we had the leaders…


Added by sonwabile soko on February 21, 2016 at 2:48pm — 26 Comments


 Being a leader its not an easy thing but it needs courage and self inspiration that will always keep you going and always standing tall weather it good or bad but still you have to be strong I have seen lot of leaders falling in trap of impregnating young girls and take advantage of their position to force them to make love  leaving the girls with no choice but to have sex with them leadership is not a position where you have to take advantages but be the leader with dignity that all see…


Added by bobsa navy on January 7, 2016 at 4:00pm — No Comments


This is the exciting launch (not lunch) of a NEW competition that will take place right here on

The objective is to get young people to share their thoughts and feelings through blogs. You can also write a poem, song or story, but the main idea is to express yourself in ANY way. Even adding a picture. 

The competition will not focus on the normal Youthzones topics of sport, IT, life-skills and…


Added by Schalk van Heerden on October 30, 2015 at 12:30pm — 24 Comments

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