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Perseverance springs from determination and discipline,often people have failed because they did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up,it's often the beginning or the end that are the most difficult times,but we have to stay on course,patience and perseverance have a magical effect,difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish,a pledge not to quit you've reached a goal can be crazy in the practical sense,but so are the most worthwhile dreams,always remember that the beauty… Continue

Added by small senior on February 3, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments


In each of you,there is a seed,a seed of vast potential,a place beyond the ego mind....A place so rich and fertile that you can smell it's rich fragrance like after a cool summer rain.You can feel this pulse of life as it pulses through you.this infinite part of you a beacon in the night,that guides you on your journey...back the real you.This greatness requires just one thing,your awareness.Awareness though your breath,noticing in each moment how precious life… Continue

Added by michael maphanga on February 2, 2011 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Let us not abuse .....?

Everyday I get deeply hurt when I see us individuals living abusive life. We can be abusing alcohol, freedom, money, good people and list goes on and on. But to be more specific, my attention real get caught by abuse of alcohol and freedom in all the areas of my work or I can say where I spend much of time. It even starts in my own family. Where I see my own biological mother who is into alcohol big time and really abusing it causing a lot of costly damages around the family. Where it…


Added by doctor mabila on February 1, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Matric Outreach!!! (by Luvuyo Lonwabo Precious Bayeni) The time has come for the Grade 12 to make their mark. The year 2010 was clouded byhappy and sad memories. We saw the World Cup lift up peaople'…

Matric Outreach!!! (by Luvuyo Lonwabo Precious Bayeni)

The time has come for the Grade 12 to make their mark. The year 2010 was clouded by

happy and sad memories. We saw the World Cup lift up peaople's spirit and unity

within the country, and continent as a whole. That experience was short-lived though

with the Public service strike that dragged forever, needless to say its

consequences still haunt us even today.

Despite all this it was then necesseccary…

Added by Elmien on January 26, 2011 at 12:08pm — 1 Comment


There is one thing I cant run away from. That is MYSELF. I am an individual who is very weak when it comes to confrontations ( I am getting better) simply because I feel/think for others how will they be after I said or done what I needed to do after confrontation. Even saying NO is still a struggle for me. It is not good for me. I guess that 's one reason which made me not to continue playing soccer in elite level or any world where it involves anti-personal/emotional characters. There, is not… Continue

Added by doctor mabila on January 25, 2011 at 7:00am — 1 Comment


We are all different,and we all things in common.our diversity enriches us,and makesus stronger,wiser and more creative.when you have a prejudiced view for or against something someone,we call this bias,a stereotype is a fixed idea that we have about a particular person or thing.Discrimination means treting a person or group of people unfairly because of gender,race,etc  for example,in…


Added by small senior on January 20, 2011 at 1:11pm — No Comments



People are often unreasonable. illogical and self-centred;

                         Fogive them…


Added by Richard Siwela on January 17, 2011 at 8:40am — No Comments

Youthzone Impact on 2010 matriculants

Is great and rewarding to hear from different individuals to hear that Youthzone 2010 matric participants did well in the final exams and people appreciating our work and most above our friendship.

Below are some of the sms 'es I got this year recently:

This From Mr. Nair, Headmaster in Holy Family Combined School, Mogwase: hi Doc, Happy New Year! Good news: 100% pass and 72% university entrance. Please share with Schalk and Mr Meyer.


Bushy Maphotoma,…


Added by doctor mabila on January 12, 2011 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

Success, Prosperity, Puccess, Prosperity!

Copmplements friends


It is great to be back in 20elevate, I hope you are all well and in good spirit. This year we must display more integrity, remember: Integrity is doin the right thing even if no one is watchin. I am humbled to be part of this generation, the generation that has got ambition.


Last year passed with its up and downs and yet we are still stand strong. Lets  do it again this year, lift our heads up and claim success. You may not alwys choose…


Added by Koko Zaka on January 11, 2011 at 12:53pm — No Comments

........... pointed a gun at me, Real SA

Since I was born I never saw a hole of the gun pointing at me until 09/Jan/2011, 12h56  when a middle aged white chap pointed a gun at us outside on the street in Honey Dew,  Johannesburg.  I hear people complaining or being victims of hijacks, theft etc by black people, but today it was vice versa. I ( and my new colleague Masi) were invited to a celebration party of black child  who got six distinctions from public school after a lengthy strike in 2010. As we went out after the amazing… Continue

Added by doctor mabila on January 9, 2011 at 2:00am — 2 Comments


HAPPY NEW YEAR, its the year to elevate oneself to greater heights, excitement is everywhere. I'm definately excited to join the best team in SA - Youthzone. I can't wait to meet everyone at their respective homes and sites. I know this year is going to be AWESOME!

Added by Masiphilile Dlamini on January 5, 2011 at 3:02pm — 2 Comments

Cosmo City-Oasis and Ikage visit Helderberg

Lorna and Rachel from Oasis and Mdu from Ikage Youth development in Cosmo City came to visit Helderberg Youthzone site (Cape Town) for two days on the 28 and 29 Dec 2010. It was very nice and the community at large enjoyed their visit. And people were uplifted by their visit and people are still talking about them. friendships were developed and some lads will be visiting Cosmo City soon. Nkosi and other lads like Abongile, Gcobisa... shared info and developed future relatinship with the Cosmo… Continue

Added by doctor mabila on December 31, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

We can only get better

Thank you to everyone who is part of the Youthzone Network. What a year, 2010. From Peter block, world cup, xenophobia in Cape Town, Khulisa Training, Mogwase launch,  Soccer and netball teams and community projects doing much better and communities benefiting for the better and enjoyable SA. Most lads being inspired, some getting jobs, people being hopeful in life etc. The best thing you can do to someone is to GIVE than receiving. Giving someone resources to choose from (opportunities) and…


Added by doctor mabila on December 31, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments


Everyday is sad in my work when I see kids, youth roaming around looking for home or place where they will feel loved and being appreciated. You name it, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, SA is all the same case. The solution is not to give that kid that money rather INVEST in social parenting skills and bring the affected parties together. The relationship and fellowship between the parents and children is very… Continue

Added by doctor mabila on December 25, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments


Guys asthe festive is opun us let us not get carried away by the fun and other festive entertainment but we should also remember that we resposibilities and commitment we take this as our chance to show young lats that they should not say because it's that time when they should get drunk and do sillly thimgs instead they should group them selves and help the community especially the disadvantegad famalies,thus this will make them somebodys in their communities instead of nobodies.have a merry… Continue

Added by michael maphanga on December 22, 2010 at 10:23am — No Comments

A man who is being hungry for long

What will stop a man who has been hungry to show off or to have more material from corruption. This man has been hungry for long time. There is that void. Once a opportunity present itself where there is much money or material what will stop this man from taking this away from the poor. Is easy to be greedy when one grew poor/rich with no morals and take everything away from everyone to feel better or replace that void of pain of having nothing in a long time. This man has never has never…


Added by doctor mabila on December 15, 2010 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Blaming/shifting responsibility

First downfall of a man. I keep looking at every moment and what I see everyday is US, people, going down or losing the battle simply of shifting responsibility or blaming the others and not realizing we are part of the solution and problem. I always refer to myself, because I am not outside the circle, with all the blunders and failures I had or successes. Victory starts within me once I realize that I am no better than others and realise that I need others and the above Man to live, we are…


Added by doctor mabila on December 10, 2010 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Writing Competition!!!

Essay contest: is playing soccer a child right?

The 10th of December is International Human Rights Day. A day to celebrate the importance of human rights for freedom and peace around the world. On this day we also

celebrate the Rights of the…


Added by Schalk van Heerden on December 9, 2010 at 6:48am — 2 Comments

Work Well Done

There was a tournament in Cosmo City these past two weeks celebrating the progress and emphasizing the awareness of the 16 days of activism for no violence against woman and children.

The tournament started on a good note with our Cosmo City teams namely 'Dangerous Darkies' winning their first games and qualifying for the final stages. With all young and old amped for the trophies, medals, bragging rights and respect the finals were sure to be competitive and…

Added by Sakhile on December 7, 2010 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Thank you guys/my friends on sites and YZ team

I share inner drop of cry in my heart everytime I get messages like this. You guys are special and heroes and heroins.
This is one of the very touch ones from someone I havent met or know:
Hey Doc... U r doing a very a great job to our community. U took our brothers & sisters away from the streets,away from alcohol and away from…

Added by doctor mabila on December 3, 2010 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

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