SamJack Moletse's Blog – October 2016 Archive (17)

Young people

As young people is not to want it all and want it now. There are basic building blocks for success- education being the key. Even in the working environment we need to allow ourselves to mature, to build respect among others and also to gain experience. Of course you can still be leaders at 20, but you need experience and emotional maturity. That way it stops being about yourselves, and then you can help develop others.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 26, 2016 at 9:04pm — No Comments

understand other people's values

When we understand other people's values, not only do we get to appreciate them more for who are they are , but as leaders it give us an opportunity to understand what would mean more to them as an incentive, what they would really appreciate as a reward if they achieved better than expected results in their work. The truth of the matter is that anyone can always achieve better results when they are doing the work that they genuinely care about.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 26, 2016 at 12:27pm — No Comments


Having some fear when you handle big project and making big decisions is a great thing, because without feeling that fear it's easy to be arrogant and complacent which can lead to poor performance. The key thing is planning. Use that fear to gather more information and that information, can help you conquer your fear.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 22, 2016 at 11:43am — No Comments


As a society we need to understand that we elect leaders to lead us towards a shared and common vision, and that as a society we must do the work. We can't blame our leaders for everything happens in our communities, we must take responsibility and work for our communities.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 21, 2016 at 9:32am — No Comments


People in rural areas have a tremendous amount of wisdom and good principles. We need to communicate and relate what we are bringing to them to where they are at, not where we think they should be. Education is very important, not just academic education but education around the opportunities they have. Africa is a blessed continent because we have got amazing soil and we can grow good almost anywhere. We need to help people become self-sufficient.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 21, 2016 at 9:15am — No Comments

young people

Young people must choose their friends carefully. In fact they must choose their advisers carefully. Everyone needs to have their own board of advisers so they can get balanced perspectives. As you grow and you find that the advice you get no longer serves you, you must have the courage to change your advisers.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 20, 2016 at 9:10am — No Comments

retain a little bit of self-doubt

No matter how confidant you are, you must always retain a little bit of self-doubt. That will keep you humble. It will make sure you never become over-confident and so entrenched in your own view that you don't hear valuable feedback from other people.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 19, 2016 at 12:21pm — No Comments

Youth development

As young people we must surround ourselves with positive people, people who will build us up not people who will bring us down. As young people we must learn to take genuine interest in other people no matter where they are in life. And always do our best work and use our role to make different in other people's lives.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 18, 2016 at 8:51pm — No Comments


If you are new to leadership, you need to learn early on and not be afraid to surround yourself with people who are better than you in certain aspects. As a leader you don't need to be fountain of wisdom with all the the answers. Build a team of smart people. You choose the wrong people you are toast.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 18, 2016 at 8:41pm — No Comments

it all start with the attitude

Our attitude at the beginning of every task determines our observations and our expectations. So when we wake up in the morning expecting to succeed, we observe the world as working with us in helping us to succeed. The opposite is true. So both success and failure are the products of our own minds.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 14, 2016 at 10:02pm — No Comments

Faillure as your teacher

failure teaches us how to handle failure. Winning is easy, anyone can handle winning but dealing with losing is tough, it take courage to get back up and try again. So failure is a great teacher.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 14, 2016 at 9:50pm — No Comments

Faillure as your teacher

failure teaches us how to handle failure. Winning is easy, anyone can handle winning but dealing with losing is tough, it take courage to get back up and try again. So failure is a great teacher.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 14, 2016 at 9:47pm — No Comments


Business is tough, is like playing sports; you don't give up on your sport just because you beaten once or twice in a race, you also need to know what your strength and weaknesses are and play to your strengths. You must acknowledge your weaknesses so that you can surround yourself with people who complement your weaknesses. Concealing your weaknesses is like being an alcoholic who refuse help and denies that he has a problem

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 14, 2016 at 9:33pm — No Comments


We can't be good leaders without good followers so as leaders we need to accept our responsibilities and recognise that it's the people behind us who empower us to do that on their behalf.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 13, 2016 at 9:51am — No Comments

Youth development

Young people need to grab any and every opportunity that comes our way and we must make the best of it. We must do every task that is given to us to the best of our ability. When we give our best to everything we do,we get noticed and we can move up quickly in the world. We mustn't be afraid to take any opportunities.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 12, 2016 at 8:58am — No Comments


Learning new things has being at the core of every achievement we had, and every advancement or progress that we made in life. What we don't know today is what keep us from being where we want to be. It is through learning that we can serve the world better.

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 7, 2016 at 2:28pm — No Comments


Listen!just listen!one of the things about assuming leadership responsibilities at a young age is that we can start to believe our own media, and think that it can't be good enough if it didn't come from us. Actually, true leaders are always listening and reacting to what they are hearing. Listening is humbling. We allow people to tell up what they really should be telling us. Sometimes hearing what they tell us is pretty hard to take, especially if we are proud of the organisation that we… Continue

Added by SamJack Moletse on October 7, 2016 at 2:00pm — No Comments

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