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Amor Profundo (Poema)


Se for para chorar, irei

Chorar enxugando minhas lágrimas

Se for para sorrir, irei

Sorrir pensando em ti.


Se for a cair uma lágrima em teus olhos, limpe – a.

Se o teu sorriso murchar,

Pense em mim e no nosso amor para sorrires


Se for saudade que dói em ti

É porque em mim também dói

Pensei em ter ti por perto

Mas a vida é vida e ela cheia de surpresas


Se eu for…


Added by Jaime Albino Chichango on December 15, 2016 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Igualdade de género / Gender equality

Igualdade de género / Gender equality


Para a Promoção da Igualdade de Género. Mecanismos e políticas institucionais para a promoção da igualdade de género A instituição do Governo que tem actualmente o mandato de promover a igualdade de género é o Ministério da Mulher e da Acção Social (MMAS). Historicamente, a função de promover a igualdade de género tem sido atribuída a diferentes instituições, começando com um Secretariado Nacional para a Acção Social…


Added by Luis Mario Namarocolo on December 15, 2016 at 1:18pm — No Comments

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission

As entrepreneurs, leaders, and bosses, we must realize that everything we think about we are projecting into the future because Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. People who are talented by far don’t live a creative life; they must lose the fear of being wrong and go for it no matter if you in the beauty of Poverty. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 15, 2016 at 9:48am — No Comments

Vuka u zenzele walala wasala.

It is beautiful images that you upload every weekend of the expensive places you spend the night and the whiskies you are drinking but when will you make your own money? On monday morning your friends are back to work place to make money, you are in blankets reading comments of your weekend images and you claim to live a good life, really? Success is not transmitted you work for it, you create it, you sacrifice for it, you don't wish for it, you hustle for it, you get educated for it,…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 15, 2016 at 9:33am — No Comments

Your parents wants the best for you that's why they choose career for you but what's important is what you want for yourself

At times they may not understand your dream but if you bilieve it will become reality and have faith while praying about it then that's where you should focus on, not to prove them wrong but serving your purpose on earth by doing what is within you not what is coming from outside.…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 15, 2016 at 9:18am — No Comments


"Bo clever ha bo last"being clever doesn't last"...said my mentor, Doc Mabila.

Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on December 15, 2016 at 8:37am — No Comments

Amazing Quotes By Famous People That Will Teach You What Success is All About

1. Sachin Tendulkar :

"I have never thoughtless where I will go, or forced any targets on myself." "I am not thinking too far ahead, just want to take it one thing at a time."

2. Steve Jobs :

"Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition,… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 14, 2016 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurs are made

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurs are made

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurs are made. One definition of an Entrepreneur is someone who shows marked superiority. We’ve all heard of great Entrepreneurs, and we’ve probably all seen a few on television. What comes to mind when I see their amazing ability is the amount of training they have endured, the sacrifices they’ve made, and the courage they’ve had to have to get where they are and this is true for all context from… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 14, 2016 at 1:53pm — No Comments


I would like to thank the family of youthzones to believe in me through
out the year, It was not simple.
Good news is I made it to MATRIC2017 with the support I was getting
from frinds and family.
Doc was always telling me to focus on my studies,I did it.
Thank you family to support me through ou
the year with dat to help some learners with school researches.
Thank you Doc Doc

Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on December 12, 2016 at 11:03pm — No Comments

young people of kd


Added by malope sdala matibidi on December 11, 2016 at 11:23am — No Comments


Youthzones leaders if you got one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day plans.#Youthzones

Added by Patson kwinda on December 10, 2016 at 5:15pm — No Comments


Youthzones leaders if you got one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day plans.#Youthzones

Added by Patson kwinda on December 10, 2016 at 5:14pm — No Comments


Yesterday we had a great day together with our sponsor, friends from other site and province. All thanks to Youthzone.

Added by Disebo Makau on December 10, 2016 at 11:43am — No Comments

live your life

Time is like a river you cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again so please live your life stop pretending make something for your life be your own boss let the bridge that youthzones is helping you to cross doesn't collapse you touch the water you touched before so make a change let be a role model to others let go out make changes life is in our hand the more we work hard the changes of our generations #ungashiywa sikhatsi#

#move… Continue

Added by Thembi Mamba on December 9, 2016 at 6:20pm — No Comments


Added by Thulani Arsenal coach on December 9, 2016 at 2:00pm — No Comments


Added by Thulani Arsenal coach on December 9, 2016 at 1:53pm — No Comments

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