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NEED GUIDENCE and some suggestions on people who would like to give hands in our NPO "lightshed foundation, formerly known as Green light foundation

Good morning family members, my friends and i want to start a shisa nyama kasi business. We are currently stuck on the materials and how much and what kind of materials does one need to start a butchery and a shisanyama business.

Adding that we have decided to reshuffle our administration in our organisation and decided to change the name to lightshed foundation since we want more involvement from our community youth and parents. we want to change and drive the mentality of…


Added by wayne on April 4, 2017 at 11:30am — No Comments

Make your structure or good way in life

Never accept wrong thing in your life fight to make things better bi matter u have something or not, now I am buzy doing my mind map I want to make ethnic exchanged on wensday I will go to check mashishing site to learn more and improve my life no one can i fit you if you sleep try the best I will assist u so myself I am take a trip to lydermburg (mashishing) no one tell me to do this I will make and improve my life and what thing are different in my site

Added by Samuel Mokwana on April 3, 2017 at 12:38pm — No Comments


Our educational system that is obsolete and out of touch with reality. Today we believe that the current compulsory schooling system does not work to foster a democratic way of life in our time of today in the Information Age! It happens rarely, but whenever I do read a newspaper, listen to the radio, or watch television, on a variety of topics, I find myself wondering, "How? How can this happen? How can people be so gullible?" I am a new…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on April 2, 2017 at 3:42pm — No Comments

If God can give you back10 years of your life

If God can give you back10 years of your life, what would you do differently with your life? What would you achieve? What habits would you quit? What kind of friends would you have? What kind of education would you have? What kind of career would you choose? Would you reapet the same mistakes? Would you still walk the same journey that you walked in the passed 10 years?

Well you might not have another 10 years to correct your past but you have today to create the life that you…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on April 2, 2017 at 2:59pm — No Comments

Align personal purpose with team purpose

In any community or organisation every individual has his/her own purpose in life. The purpose of the team is to work together to accomplish one predetermined goal. In a team environment we must commit ourselves to give the best that we have to offer for the benefit of the team. The role of a leader in this environment is to be a custodian of the vision and to ensure that everyone is clear about what that is. As leaders we need to be mindful always, though, that each person is an individual and… Continue

Added by SamJack Moletse on April 2, 2017 at 9:33am — No Comments


We should be steady and well-ordered in our life so that we can be fierce and original in our work we do to be success.#Youthzones

Added by Patson kwinda on April 1, 2017 at 10:49pm — No Comments

The Entrepreneur acts in the static world of equilibrium.

The Entrepreneur acts in the static world of equilibrium. The benefit of living in a free society is that we all have the choice to be rich, poor, or middle class. We have all been conditioned all our lives to go to school, get good grades, and then get a safe, secure job. This is Industrial Age thinking. In today’s Information Age, this advice is obsolete. We are not taught how to become business owners and investors. Gone are the days when the company or government can guarantee a pension…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 31, 2017 at 4:24pm — No Comments


Rewarding your body is very much important and very helpful because you give yourself a time to enjoy and stimulate your body.

One good way of rewarding your body is, always tend to know that SPORTS ACTIVITIES are very important and are the best options to choose via REWARDING YOUR BODY.

Drinking alcohol and smoking is not a principle of REWARDING YOUR BODY, reading books also take part in the role of rewarding your body.

Avoid alcohol and bad influence of friends and…


Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on March 31, 2017 at 3:15pm — No Comments


Rewarding your body is very much important and very helpful because you give yourself a time to enjoy and stimulate your body.

One good way of rewarding your body is, always tend to know that SPORTS ACTIVITIES are very important and are the best options to choose via REWARDING YOUR BODY.

Drinking alcohol and smoking is not a principle of REWARDING YOUR BODY, reading books also take part in the role of rewarding your body.

Avoid alcohol and bad influence of friends and…


Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on March 31, 2017 at 3:15pm — No Comments

It doesn't matter were you are or come from these are the things you born with and blessed with

You have a gift within you.

You have a purpose within you.

You have a dream within you.

You have an idea within you.

You have greatness within you.

You gave a vision within you.

You have a talent within you.

The question is, which one of these blessing you will bring out to life so that you live anointed life?

It doesn't matter were you are or come from these are the things you born…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 31, 2017 at 2:38pm — No Comments

Don't start everything start one thing focus on it

 pray about it, be committed to it, take online lessons about it, read books, read biographies and attend seminars about what you want to achieve then you will grow mentally about it and finally never give up on it until you make it a success.

Don't be jack if all trades but master of none, stop scattering into too many…

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 31, 2017 at 2:23pm — No Comments

ict introducing zebrA Crossing

Added by Sifiso Mtsi on March 30, 2017 at 6:53pm — No Comments

Take one step at the time while enjoying the journey

No matter how skillful you are in soccer, or how gifted you are in soccer,you cannot wake up the next day and walk into naturena.

It's a process, don't rush the process, don't rush the journey to success, take one step at the time while enjoying the journey


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 29, 2017 at 2:20pm — No Comments

You cannot go up the ladder

You cannot go up the ladder of success looking down, you need to focus on were you are going, you cannot step up the ladder of success holding it with one hand, you need both hands to hold on to the ladder of success, you cannot go up the ladder of success with one foot, you need both your feet to step on every step, you cannot do two things at the same time, if it's friends that you want to please then do so, if it's parties, clubs and taverns that you want to focus on, then do so, if it's…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 29, 2017 at 2:17pm — No Comments

PUSH stands for, (P) ersistence,(U) ntil,(S) omething,(H) appens

No one ever said it was easy being an entrepreneur. Whether you're in the early stages of your start-up, just secured funding for your start-up or you are ready for product launch, there will always be those three components when you ask yourself if this whole entrepreneur thing is worth it. Instead of giving up and throwing-in the proverbial white towel, keep your head up. The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 29, 2017 at 2:11pm — No Comments


ACHIEVING YOUR OWN DESTINY ENTREPRENEURS Your destiny is yours to define and achieve. Don’t let anyone else define what “Happiness” should mean for you. Even if you were to achieve your goals, your happiness and satisfaction would always elude you, because you would be achieving someone else’s dream. “It’s hard to be healthy, wealthy and happy at the same time.” However, striving to achieve a balances life that leads to health, wealth and happiness is certainly a noble pursuit. Successful…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on March 29, 2017 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Hello everyone hope you doing fine its been a long time, and things have been hectic in here as I'm preparing for a tough match tomorrow in a school I'm volunteering as a coach otherwise all has been…

Hello everyone hope you doing fine its been a long time, and things have been hectic in here as I'm preparing for a tough match tomorrow in a school I'm volunteering as a coach otherwise all has been going fine wish me luck for tomorrow. Continue

Added by Thabiso Magolego on March 29, 2017 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Attach all activities to goals

Determine what our goals is, write down, have a to-do-list every day, start working our list in the morning and tick off each task that we complete. To make an impact in the world, every activities we undertake in our life need to be aligned with our life purpose. Every day when we write and review our list of activities, its important to always ask ourselves how each activities aligns with our purpose. Aligning our activities to our goals during planning phase helps to keep us connected to…


Added by SamJack Moletse on March 29, 2017 at 1:04pm — No Comments


You can be rich or poor, educated or uneducated, smart or stupid, eat healthy or unhealthy, go to gym or not, be a good person or a bad person, but we all have one thing in common....death. When you die everything looses its meaning. its all like you have been chasing the wind. Whats the point of life? 

Added by tebogo mabongo on March 28, 2017 at 3:09pm — 1 Comment

We believe we all are born to succeed, not to fail

We believe we all are born to succeed, not to fail. Being a True Entrepreneur is to remain on the path to success evens in your struggle, you may experience all types of suffering and pain that hates as much as the most awfulness pain you ever came across and while everyone else nags you to get a safe, secure job with benefits. Stick to your guns and focus on your dream of building businesses and investing for Financial freedom and by the end of a few years of hard work, pain and…


Added by Brandvlei Youthzones on March 28, 2017 at 3:03pm — No Comments

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