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I've realised that not everyone who likes you loves you. WHY??? Because they may like you because they benefit in some way and if it wasn't the case they would be damn far away from you.

Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on December 9, 2015 at 3:14pm — No Comments


If you love,love with all your heart, mind and soul. Love without any hesitations. Love with honesty and faithfulness. Love without any jealousy nor arrogance. Just love with all that you are. Because we are never promised tomorrow and life is too short to love so little.

Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on December 9, 2015 at 3:12pm — No Comments

Action speaks louder

                                           Hence they say ''action speaks louder than the words''

As zoners if we can start to take things seriously, act more and talk less then we will be better leaders. Since i have become a family of youthzones i have noticed that most leaders do more talking; well i am not excluding myself because i am not always acting sometimes i spend more time talking, what i am trying to convey is that as leaders lets not be fooled by December, you do…


Added by mbalothando on December 9, 2015 at 12:23pm — No Comments


On Saturday i was from Ulundi (North KZN)... I took a taxi to Durban where i helped 2 people without noticing....Here the drive refuse to take a 10year boy as a passanger because was suppose to communicate with the mother of the child that will come and pick the boy up at Durban Station and when i saw a boy stepping out of the taxi something rings on my ears that im a leader so i must lead by an example. I decided to take the boy with me and take a number i communicated with her mom well untill… Continue

Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on December 9, 2015 at 9:17am — 3 Comments

school shoes project

i stated this school shoes project to collect school shoes for unprivileged kids in my community of Orange Farm. getting donations from friends and family. my target its 30 school shoes i need to raise and donate them to one of the school next year January. is being 2 years now i am running this project. also trying to raise school stationary and school socks. this will be a…


Added by Sifiso Mtsi on December 9, 2015 at 9:06am — 2 Comments


2015 HAS BEEN CHARACTERIZED BY A NUMBER OF MIXED EMOTIONS. like any other year ,it offers both the good and the bad to all of us. YOU AND I should however be thankful for the fact that nothing went to the extremes as we still converse in the manner that we usually do at the end of each year. THE FESTIVE SEASON IS THE TIME FOR LOVING,GIVING AND SHARING. it is a period that brings the families together and above all , a time to rest after a whole year's of hard labour. it presents itself as an…


Added by sthembiso on December 9, 2015 at 7:07am — No Comments


Family is suppose to be our safe haven every often, it's the place where we find deepest heartache. Survivors of abuse show us the strength of their personal spirit every time they smile #Youthzones

Added by Patson kwinda on December 9, 2015 at 12:20am — No Comments


Family is suppose to be our safe haven every often,it's the place where we find deepest heartache.Survivors of abuse show us the strength of their personal am spirit every time they smile. #Youthzones

Added by Patson kwinda on December 9, 2015 at 12:14am — No Comments


I cnt wait for the training and the tournament of year end m youthzones netball event whixh will be held at Raloka Ranch on the 15-17 December.

Tha purpose and the aim of this training with tornamenf is to make a friend, learn other launguages, leading skills, IT, spoxrt and learn othe languages. We only want people who are poor and willing to learn new things everytime. We really discourage gossipers. I wish God can bless us and be safe throughout the training and a… Continue

Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on December 8, 2015 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Leardership Success Stories #lead

Hello everyone i just want to emphasize that #SUCCESS is not an event that you can create any time, Success comes from your humble ethics of working hard. Being successful is an outcome of a good leadership and for being capable of any thing that blocks your path. Hard working pays a lot and does install being capable of your stumbling blocks and your enemies, Never have grudges to anyone to show that you are highly a #LEADERSHIP OF SUCCESS.…


Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on December 8, 2015 at 11:37pm — No Comments


On Saturday i was from Ulundi (North KZN)... I took a taxi to Durban where i helped 2 people without noticing....Here the drive refuse to take a 10year boy as a passanger because was suppose to communicate with the mother of the child that will come and pick the boy up at Durban Station and when i saw a boy stepping out of the taxi something rings on my ears that im a leader so i must lead by an example. I decided to take the boy with me and take a number i communicated with her mom well untill… Continue

Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on December 8, 2015 at 11:32pm — No Comments


God said use your ability and ill do the rest but...

Youthzones says start then ill help you from what u have started

Im your bridge, im ur steps, your friend which you can share anything, im ur supporter....

Youthzones said be Your self

Do not be a fake

Be real and loyal

Have passion

Be patient and peserve

Know wat u want

have a target

Willing to learn everyday

But remember im not a CHARITY OR SPONSOR im your FRIEND who wanna HELP… Continue

Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on December 8, 2015 at 10:56pm — No Comments

if you want to success in your life work hard and forget about the person want to delay you #focus,respect

no matter what at the and I will told something and you?work hard to achieve your dream especially you lead at the community because all parents give example for you and your job are doing than you grow up if you lead by example now in my community are proud of me because youthzones select me to play bidvast wits tournament,to make exstra motivation in community and this thing is an example for anyone in the community to say do right thing you success is not the end actually I like to see many… Continue

Added by Samuel Mokwana on December 8, 2015 at 10:37pm — No Comments

Amaverkykers Adjudication: Blogging Competition Winners #Week 5

Name                    Blog Title                         Prize

1. Abongile Sotiya  Just brought CT to JB       2 Gig data

2. George Mtisi       Hiv/Aids                           6 balls

3. Anesu Kazembe  Hiv&Aids-Silence=Death   Smartphone    



Added by Nomatter Simango on December 8, 2015 at 10:07pm — No Comments

Hard work pays off. I would like to take this opportunities to thank YOUTHZONES for recognising the hard work i have done.i have just won myself a smart phone yeeeeey so happy.WALALA WASALA

Hard work pays off.
I would like to take this opportunities to thank YOUTHZONES for recognising the hard work i have done.i have just won myself a smart phone yeeeeey so happy.WALALA WASALA

Added by Sindiswa Shandu on December 8, 2015 at 6:27pm — 2 Comments

Only you can make life meangless or you can make it meaningfull by not limiting your capabilities

Only you can make life meangless or you can make it meaningfull by not limiting your capabilities

Added by Sanelisiwe Ngcobo on December 8, 2015 at 6:11pm — No Comments

Success story

Surround yourself with people who have dreams,desires and ambition;they will help you push through and relise your own.

Sometimes it could people whom you deem unimportant.

Success Story

She was once a nothing without perents,life,education so she said but then one day she met this lady who lived accross the street and she said to her "sanny why do you always stay at home and not do anything and she said well becuase i live alone here and have nothing to do and then the… Continue

Added by Sanelisiwe Ngcobo on December 8, 2015 at 6:07pm — No Comments

gays and lesbians

While gays and lesbians people are as diverse as the rest of the population their shared experience of discrimination creates common health issues.

Homophobia means fear of sexuality,some people may feel threatened by people who have sexual preferences other than their own. They may express this fear in variety of ways ranging from subtle discrimination to overt violence.

In my community people are so scared to come out because of their parents as well as people around them.… Continue

Added by Hazel on December 8, 2015 at 3:24pm — No Comments


There are lot of people who have the fear and believe that when they are HIV/AIDS positive its the end of the world to them. Well thats not true,people who are affected by this disease they can live longer as long as they take their medication properly daily and eat healthy,train or exercise as often as they can to keep their immune systems strong and healthy. HIV/AIDS is not a disease that can be cured we all know that,but we can conquere it,by not alowing it to frustrate us nor bearing it in… Continue

Added by Thandani Eric on December 8, 2015 at 12:52pm — No Comments

Alcohol and Drugs

Substance abuse is one of the things that leads to teenage pregnancy and even Hiv/Aids.

When you out there drinking and partying allowing men to buy you drinks in return of sex. Just look at yourself you beautiful, smart, funny,kind and you are unique.

You're precious in the eyes of the Lord.

Don't let sex make you a mother before love make you a wife.

If you feel like everything is too much for you.

Just read the bible think of Martha, Ruth, Esther and Mary. These… Continue

Added by Hazel on December 8, 2015 at 11:09am — No Comments

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