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# leadership

In my community it's very hard and challenging to be a leader because of our backgrounds and u will be judged of your poor circumstances in life but they don't see your hardwork and change u have brought in the community being a leader it's not you have to tell people what to do its by leading by example and let them join u in the way to make success in the community and build future for tomorrow

Added by Wandile Jackson mabuza on February 21, 2016 at 12:31pm — 11 Comments

#Hustle for Cash, entrepreneurship in the township

hustling is what we do most in our townships to fight poverty since the job opportunities are less, we use hustle to survive,some of us we form groups of music,dancers,actors and doing that we become able to make money because we host shows were by people they come in numbers for entertainment,when people come to our shows we make money that put bread to our tables.all in all is that hustling is when u make money for a living without being employed. so we turn to use our talents as…


Added by sonwabile soko on February 21, 2016 at 12:23pm — 4 Comments

unity in diversity

i want to say thanks to y outhzones for visiting our community in tzaneen and thanks again for teaching us about unity in diversity
we learn a lot from you guys and how we can came together as one nation


Added by Jabu Errol Mathonsi on February 21, 2016 at 10:24am — No Comments

Appointed as Donone trainer Coach to prepare the ladies soccer for world cup in April

I was appointed as the fitness Coach for Danone ladies soccer that'll take place in April at the Overseas. I have now started training their 6 aside team every Mondays and Wednesdays 17:00

Added by Thembinkosi on February 20, 2016 at 11:52pm — No Comments

#Gay and Lesbian Views in My Community ‪‬

I understand the Bible doesn't approve of homosexuality, but how do I treat my gay and lesbian friends? What do I tell them? How do I explain to non–Christians that I believe this is wrong without being a jerk? Christians have difficult decisions to make in friendships because we are called to do two things: 1) love people and 2) stand for what the Bible says. What do we do about people who don't live in the way God wants us to? In a way, it's simple: Show them the same love and…


Added by tshepang mapeka on February 20, 2016 at 7:46pm — 94 Comments

# crime and corruption

First of all, what is corruption? It is an unethical method used by a person to gain advantage over others. Today, corruption is one of the greatest factors hindering development and stifling the realization of democracy. Corruption affects the growth of a nation adversely. It reduces the Government’s income, and creates inequalities in distribution of income and wealth. Corruption affects a nation’s development, economically, socially and politically.  Corruption may come in many…


Added by tshepang mapeka on February 20, 2016 at 6:51pm — 21 Comments

#women face challenges and solutions

Sexual abuse When anybody uses force to take away your right to choose,then it is abuse. Rape is an assault based on abuse of the sexual organs of another person's body.if a date takes you out and pays for everything he or she does bot have a right to have sex…

Added by tshepang mapeka on February 20, 2016 at 6:34pm — 2 Comments

# HIV Aids as part of our daily lives

HIV and AIDS are one of the high risk illness that most people are ware of it but they turn to avoid it. Been HIV positive doesnt mean its the end of the world, you can live with it for a long time as long as you follow the instructions given by the doctor. Its more healthy when you eat vegs and fruits so that your body can fight and also doing physical activies. A person can be engaged to this illness by not using condoms when having sex and also not been faithful to your partner it can…


Added by tshepang mapeka on February 20, 2016 at 6:22pm — 1 Comment

Gays and lesbian

We're living in society where everyone's business is everybody's business.the lifestyle and human behavior is questioned.we need to remind ourselves that everyone has a for gender equality and everything in Gays, lesbians and transgender have chosen to live as one pleases they've met with criticism as well as hate from the society.many have been killed like animals for their genders, one can ask what kind of the world we're living in.same sex marriages have been recognized… Continue

Added by Joel Mlauzi on February 20, 2016 at 6:15pm — No Comments


Crime has the harmful effect of making people angry,fearful,distrustful and sad.1Physical injury,permanent body disfigurement or scarring. 2Depression or sadness

Added by tebogo morapa on February 20, 2016 at 6:12pm — No Comments

#HIV Aids as part of our daily lives

HIV and AIDS involve all of us we can be infected or can be infected with the virus called HIV.if we have our i immune systems are weak.then it is easy to get other infections. These are called opportunistic infections.Sexually transmitted infections (STIs),pneumonia and TB are examples of opportunistic infections so in our everyday life we must learn to abstain and have protected sex and we need to also accept those with the virus and give them support cause its not mean end of life…


Added by timothy munyai on February 20, 2016 at 6:12pm — No Comments


#HIV and aids

Whether we like it or not we are all affected by this desease and with many other types of deadly illnesses. HIV is one of the deseases that it's manageable,many people have come to understand it unlike before where many would commit suicide once they find out that they've been infected by the virus. Many now understand that it's not a death sentence and you can still lead a healthy lifestyle.but still many are being abused and descriminated whether at workplaces, homes… Continue

Added by Joel Mlauzi on February 20, 2016 at 5:59pm — No Comments

#crime and corruption

Crime is an illegal act which is punishable, yet at times some of the crimes committed go unpunished due to lack of evidence and witnesses.

Crime can has no scale small or large its all regarded as crime though there are types of crimes  , Crime takes away the identity of community or paints the society a different picture, ie ) Diepsloot many people have a phobia to diepsloot because of what could have happened some years ago, People can not relax as normal as they fear of such…


Added by bobsa navy on February 20, 2016 at 4:59pm — No Comments

Gender Issues: women face challenges and solutions ‪#‎gender‬

I had no one to fish me out,the river was hidden in the dark forest of an unknown region.i was there by myself with no one to rescue me ,i lived life on his terms and conditions,i was never allowed to look up or to speak without permission from him.betrayed by family and friends i was just a teen but already made a wife used and tears filled the river and it became deep I realized I was drowning in my own tears.being Physically brutally beaten from now and then verbally…


Added by Diepsloot kasi lami on February 20, 2016 at 4:02pm — 111 Comments



you may be tough but life is rough

we go through bad times it's always hard but don't commit a crime

Because life will be even more rough

and you won't be tough.

The things people do to survive only God he knows,many waking up every morning with determination hoping to go to bed with satisfaction they work hard through each day as they had set their set of goals and working towards their dreams.

But crime living in every corner of the street waiting for… Continue

Added by Joel Mlauzi on February 20, 2016 at 3:42pm — 3 Comments

Gay and Lesbian Views in My Community ‪#‎lgbt‬

its beat trick on how i can express this topic but personal i just think we must give them same respect as other people but my community they discriminate gays and lesbian cause they say they put bad lucky and give wrong impression to the community when they see them pass they always give the that look and even say bad things about their status or even insult them but they dont even care what people say about them but what i can say there are not welcomed  in our community i fear for their…


Added by tebogo morapa on February 20, 2016 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments


It is a growing thing in the country where young boys and girls meet to smoke because they think if they smoke all they are problems they will vanish into thin air not knowing they are becoming drug addicts and destroying there future.when they are on drugs they will never think about anything except crime and unprotected sex they will realise afterwards that they made a mistake but they will be no problem turning back in life .let's fight drugs in ur community to stop early pregnancy and crime.

Added by tshepang mapeka on February 20, 2016 at 3:13pm — No Comments

Crime and corruption ‪#‎crime‬

High increase in crime most in township due to poverty and people now do anything to get money especially among us youth cause of peer pressure that we get in our society our friends have families that can afford to buy them anything while i don't get that and now am forced to do things that i wouldn't in a normal circumstance and steal from my grandmother and tell her of things that are wanted at school and lie if i don't get that money i steal from home small things and sale so i can also…


Added by timothy munyai on February 20, 2016 at 2:46pm — No Comments

Hustle for Cash, entrepreneurship in the township #hustle

life with out money is difficulty and yet leaving in township its a challenge  but you have to make a way to hustle for cash in a good way hence you cant owe the stomach have to eat everyday  that means you must have the hustle going and go with those odd jobs or things that are looked down upon and go to the market and stock the vegetables and sale that means you have to woke up early and be in the street and sale all day and choose a right corner or spot that is busy and make sure that…


Added by Diepsloot kasi lami on February 20, 2016 at 2:24pm — No Comments

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