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Life Skills Competition

As the youth of Cosmo City we are proud of our community...we work hard all day trying to ensure that all is well not only for us but for the older generations and those before us. We got a chance to express our work on the youthzones website and consequently take part in the life skills competition. We completed the manual late last year but could not submit it early as challenges of laptops breaking down, photos disappearing and so on...we had almost given up hope...

As time went…


Added by Sakhile on May 8, 2012 at 2:33pm — 3 Comments

The greatest donatio....

During the session that Danny and Josh had wit Arsenal in Evaton one player asked them what would be their biggest donation to SA and they both said"KNOWLEDGE" For me that was powerlll. For knowledge in the greatest gift a person could get because its a life time gift. Even the Bible commends knowledge in the book me John 17:3 Thank you Fevertree

Added by Ayanda Sacred on May 6, 2012 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Oasis sports team

We're involving in different sports activities in Cosmo city.we actually helping schools and community as a whole.Everybody is appreciating what doing for community and schools.Early this year we're helping Cosmo city secondary 3 with athletics and we won 21 medals and cup,we came third in a competition

We also have different soccer team that we're working with,Ikage development,shibobo fc,Royal gunners,white killers and Dangerous darkies.we teach kids the basics of football.we… Continue

Added by michael sebola on May 5, 2012 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

zone reality

being in sport for me is just something that everybody should be involve in, because it is so wonderful in many ways like: you get to realise some of the skills that you ddn't think you had and sometimes you get to know /meet people who can take you were you wished to be and where you want to be.

hey guys out there if the is no sport that you are doing, let me tell you are missing alot because there are many things you can do to stay away from stress,drugs, crime etc. you better start…


Added by Hlatshwayo Fortunate on April 24, 2012 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

R1800 made a huge difference in the community

I might be thinking what I would have done with R1800 or how often do I spent that not realizing where it went to. How often to others it looks like small amount or even to think of it. I also often say there is something better beyond money or money can't buy happiness etc. But this time 60 youth from Stoffel Park Informal settlement in Mamelodi hired a bus to visit their peers in Kameeldrift where there was a massive exchange tournament and training while having fun. The whole trip cost…


Added by doctor mabila on April 23, 2012 at 7:01am — 4 Comments

Recent Evaton North Successes

Hey all -

     I just wanted to take a quick minute and thank the students of Evaton North for another great session this past Friday on motivational letters.  The letters are not an easy thing to write, but you are all making great strides in the right direction, so keep up the good work.

     I also wanted to thanks the guys from the Arsenal soccer team for welcoming my brother and I into their worlds.  We are really looking forward to building some great friendships and also…


Added by Danny Mumaw on April 22, 2012 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

Patience and Tolerance

Some says states that sometimes we quit when we are close to the victory. Others states that we can't built Rome in one day. Others states whatever you think others should do in a particular period, will you also do it if it was you. The list goes on and on and these are just quotes which I am not going to dwell on them but I will be speaking more on my  personal reflection on patience which has affected me recently. Recently I have been witnessing how lack of patience can mess up things and…


Added by doctor mabila on April 21, 2012 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

My Growth at Oasis South Africa

Wow it really feels good to find a place you can call home ''Oasis South Africa'';experiences so far has been tremedously graceful.I  have met people from different walks of life,their young people who are looking forward to improving their lives.

For me the journey has just began, a path of growth is being revealed everyday.Conversation about Identity,circle of life,my roots and inclusion are explored daily. Learning about values,morals and respect are eye opening, Am able to…


Added by Pearlrose Seshoti on April 18, 2012 at 5:47pm — No Comments

Life at Oasis South Africa

It  has been two months since i have been doing my Bridging the Gap course in Oasis South Africa,Cosmo city,i have learnt a lot these past few months,it's amazing how are learning setting is around here, and it amazes that we as young people have so much to contribute but don't have the platform to voice out our opinions,so i am taking this opportunity to use Oasis as my stage to discover my hopes and dreams. To also inspire my fellow peers in Cosmo city to grab every opportunity they…


Added by Marcus Tlhomelang on April 18, 2012 at 4:43pm — 1 Comment

Beauty of networking through ABI

Nothing could replace the beautiful atmosphere and the coming together of all the youth from different sites hanging out together, sharing, learning, laughing, dancing, singing .... . The scene was just incredible. The youth, boys ad girls from Soweto, Mabopane, Katlehong, Evaton North participated in the Football and netball tournament which was held in Qedelizwe High School in Evaton North. The tournament was held on the 15th of April 2012, and it was delayed about 3 hrs but everything…


Added by doctor mabila on April 16, 2012 at 9:06pm — 2 Comments

Umlazi ABI boys visiting Intabazwe in Harrismith

After seven months of patience and learning from each other, the ABI Umlazi Juventus FC were ready to interact and share with other youth around SA. On Friday, the 13th of April 2012, Juventus FC visited Dangerous Darkies FC in Intabazwe informal settlement in Harrismith. The main aim of the exchange was learning from each other and training in terms of how each team operate and how they become successful, not only in the football field but in life generally. It could being a chef like Mzi…


Added by doctor mabila on April 14, 2012 at 8:31am — No Comments


Am loving my visit in faces on the netball team...

Added by Masiphilile Dlamini on April 12, 2012 at 6:32pm — No Comments

Beauty of being youthzones beneficiary

To be a member of youthzones is one of the best steps i took because you get to experience life in a different perspective, let me tell you all about it!!!

I would like to thank Mr Blangwe for taking further steps to involve me in activities that youthzones engage themselves in. Last week i was at Mabopane (Pretoria) for the whole week and i had such a lovely time with helping the needy, having training sessions and even socializing with the players, as a captain of Arsenal Evaton…


Added by Tseko on March 30, 2012 at 9:24am — 3 Comments

Experience, the best Teacher

Evaton North YZ Leaders planned a trip to Durban after we heard that Doc and Simon together with ABI are going to have a CSI day in Umlazi. The trip was great from the beginning when Doc said he can take us to Durban with the car, even when things didn't seem to go well at first but our spirits were very high so nothing could touch us. We then met with Joey who is an awesome chick, free spirit and all. We really had a great time in the car singing songs (most of them made up lol) and talking…


Added by Ayanda Sacred on March 30, 2012 at 7:30am — 1 Comment


I am very proud to notify all Youthzones of the great achievement made by one of Mutare Youthzones members, Tichaona Mabvura, who is now turning out for Zimbabwe’s biggest, most supported and successful football club, DYNAMOS F.C. At only 19, Ticha has turned out to be a revelation at the club and has already been registered to play in the CAF Champions League!!! He also has earned 4 caps to both the national football Under 20s & Under 23s teams. Just a couple of months ago, he was…


Added by teramai makumbe on March 23, 2012 at 8:05am — 2 Comments

Interview: 10 Questions for Roelf Meyer

With Mr Roelf Meyer, founder of FSSA and Youthzones currently visiting Upington, and in particular Pabalello, took the chance to ask him 10 interesting questions:

YZ: Why did you start the Foundation for a Safe South Africa?

RM: I spent a long time wondering how I could contribute as a member of civil society, towards making a safe and stable South Africa, then I realised it’s not up to the…


Added by Schalk van Heerden on March 14, 2012 at 11:15pm — 6 Comments

Where Hope exists, Life is preserved

After a year of joining Youthzones, this weekend was an eye opening experience and a joy to my heart, I now  understand the essence and  the purpose of the organization. Seeing other Youthzones members doing what they love. I'm inspired to be a better person, not for me but for other people.

There welcome we received in Jane Furse was so amazing and genuine and the best thing is that it came from real people with real emotions. We were not celebrities but the respect we got…


Added by Ayanda Sacred on March 12, 2012 at 1:02pm — No Comments


This last weekend's experience will forever be remembered vividly by the Youthzones team and the lovely community of Jane Furse.


What was supposed to be a very long and tiresome 4 hour journey from Evaton North to Jane Furse, turned to be a very exciting trip filled with love, care and humour. You should have heard the singing, the jokes, important discussions and sharing of ideas to improve our work. Our loving broer & leader in the journey, Doc, would frequently ask if…


Added by teramai makumbe on March 12, 2012 at 11:04am — 1 Comment

Beauty of South Africa through networking

It is Tebogo & Lebogang the twin sister"s from Mamelodi in Pretoria. We were here for the youthzones exchange in Phuthaditjhaba. It was a nice experience,that any 1 could want 2 experience. Well we arrived on Tuesday during the day. Then we got a chance to go to the station called  QwaQwa radio F.M  100.3, we met the guy called Velli Moloi, He asked us what are we doing in Free State,then our respond to him was. We were there 4 youthzones exchange we were also for learning from him and…

Added by Tebogo Matlala on March 3, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments

Dreams becomes true in Kamaqhekeza

The youth and young kids and the community at large in Kamaqhekeza in East Nkomazi in Mpumalanga it was like dream becoming true during the dreamsfields launch and opening of the Kamaqhekeza stadium in Partnership with Youthzones. All the 22 schools in Eat Nkomazi each received full soccer kit, 15 pairs of soccer boots, bag, Youthzones coaching bag with cones, soccer balls, hurdles, jumping steps, whistle and coaching manual. Doc facilitated a successful football coaching clinic for seven days… Continue

Added by doctor mabila on March 2, 2012 at 8:49am — 1 Comment

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