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Plant own grass

We always think that the grass is greener on the other side. We live our lives as if on a runaway train, travelling on and on the hope of finding a beter., Worm, grander station. Oddly, all the stations we stop at are  never quite what  we thought or hope they would be, leaving us empty and unsatisfied. 

so often the best green grass is right under our feet. That is not to say that we should not look for best opportunities or settle for an average life you are not happy with.…


Added by SamJack Moletse on May 20, 2020 at 6:37pm — No Comments

Day. 51

Embrace what strengthens you and release what weakens you.

It is what you do when nobody is watching that separates you from those who will call you an overnight success.

Added by mbalothando on May 16, 2020 at 8:47pm — No Comments


If your at an advantaged position, allow other to attain their goals through your assistance.


Success is certain


Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on May 16, 2020 at 8:26pm — No Comments

Decision making

The decisions you make out of a state of fear will be very different from the decisions you make when you are in a state of confidence. The decisions you make in a state of determination will be different from those made in a state of frustration. Emotion is the force of life that drives choice. A happy weekend to you all, take care and make the right decisions. Do not be dictated by your current state.

Added by mbalothando on May 15, 2020 at 10:17pm — No Comments

The power of tech

Playing along with the current occurrences. Since I can't be with my family I plugged in with them on WhatsApp video call. 

Added by mbalothando on May 15, 2020 at 1:03am — No Comments

Zoom online Leadership training

Though we continue to be locked up but with the movement easing a bit we are glad that some our leaders had an opportunity to do their leadership training via zoom of which some it was first time to be introduce to the vast technology that has transformed the physical classes to online engagements and learning …


Added by Tanaka Bobo Mpofu on May 12, 2020 at 11:46am — No Comments

Priceless moments

When you have done the work of self-discovery you become so secure in who you are that the opinions of others cannot shake you. Look, when you know who you are at the core of being you become unshakable.

All my friends reside in a shack, so I'm. We never complain but we are grateful that we have a shelter, we are carrying pure hearts…


Added by mbalothando on May 11, 2020 at 11:16pm — No Comments

Happy mothers day

Added by mbalothando on May 10, 2020 at 10:04am — No Comments

Mothers Day

This is a special day to all the mothers in the world we send our deepest love to say thank you for the 9 months and some less but you gave birth and endured the pain and smiled upon giving birth because your love is unconditional 

Added by Tanaka Bobo Mpofu on May 10, 2020 at 9:03am — No Comments

Day. 43


Hope has always been our vitality, I say this because some of us tried to use knowledge over hope when faced with difficulties but it has never worked instead our hardships exacerbated.

Hope gives one a sense of belonging and understanding of the situation and strength to keep going. Hence a parent will always tell his kids that…


Added by mbalothando on May 8, 2020 at 10:41pm — No Comments

Day. 42

Today we are completing a full four years since #Cellc dignified us with their Bps. Thank you

The job of a leader is not to be liked. The job of a leader is to produce work that is loved. The job of a leader is to create more leaders. The job of a leader is to nurture…


Added by mbalothando on May 7, 2020 at 7:56pm — No Comments


You'll find that those who live their lives without prioritizing feel as if they run out of time each day accomplishing practically nothing. They get lost along their life's path and usaully end up draining other people's energy because they need to be rescued.

Added by Patson kwinda on May 6, 2020 at 2:10pm — No Comments


Yazi life is full of suprises.... Life can shake u until u want to commit suicide and you your self say naaaaa why must I do that because there are people who are experiencing worst situations than my self..... Life can change your future plans .... Life can  change your career unexpectedly and that will bring you more enemies.

When i had nothing, struggling like every child I had lot of friends, I had lots of people who loved me but 2018 when my life was changing very fast I…


Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on May 5, 2020 at 3:08am — No Comments


As one of Umlazi Site Youthzone leaders, I would like to thank you Youthzone for being with us in this dark cloud of SA lockdown because of corona virus. Thank you for continuing with supporting us with food we humbled and we really appreciate for what you are doing in Zulu there is a saying ethi *Kubongwa okuncane kubonga okukhulu* Thank you so much.

Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on May 4, 2020 at 12:43am — No Comments

As a youth of today we need to wake up, be independent, brainstorm and have a future plan but be aware of jealousy . Wait, be patient your time is coming I heard one say "Dk not rush the moment becau…

As a youth of today we need to wake up, be independent, brainstorm and have a future plan but be aware of jealousy . Wait, be patient your time is coming I heard one say "Dk not rush the moment because the moment will rush you". Stay positive and have faith and hope because kuzolunga uma sekufike isikhathi


Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on May 4, 2020 at 12:35am — No Comments


Food become the worst challenge to the disadvantages families , And most people start to lose their jobs and also jobs become temporary, people are retrenched from their jobs.

People day in , day out die because of this pandemic and sick people are getting more affected since some they don`t have people who look(CARE) for them as this pandemic taking place.

And the most disadvantages are unable to browse or get more information about this pandemic, again to the…


Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on May 2, 2020 at 8:49pm — No Comments

A true friend

A true friend is the one that remembers you, especially in difficult times. Youthzones have always been a true friend from the first day we met. Not only with the handouts and many more materialistic but in so many ways. I remember, when I was facing hardship in life, they offered me love and ear, I can never forget when Doctor Mabila uttered simple…


Added by mbalothando on April 29, 2020 at 10:26pm — No Comments

Lockdown School

 This is my little brother and his friend taking initiative to continue with their studies during Lockdown. 

Added by Sifiso Mtsi on April 29, 2020 at 9:36am — No Comments

Food Parcels

During this time of Covid_19 padamic it has been hard for many families from informally settlement making it the survival of the fittest you can even tell from the picture the smile that the woman is showing it is a true smile showing sign of relief and grateful. Lets continue to help those in need out of selfishness and greed but lets work together…


Added by Tanaka Bobo Mpofu on April 27, 2020 at 7:30am — No Comments

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