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Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on December 13, 2020 at 9:13pm — No Comments


Greatest gifts we can offer is to education that is,teaching others how to fish for life instead of just handing them a fish. Sometimes what we perceive as a service to others may ultimately be a means of robbing them of their dignity.

Added by Patson kwinda on December 11, 2020 at 8:19pm — No Comments


This was a year of self introspection of who you are and what can you do to change your life, even though it was a tough year for the world and economy. Many people lost their jobs and other people got an opportunity to start their own businesses.

Added by Sifiso Mtsi on December 11, 2020 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Buy local, Wear local, Support local

To stand out is to attract attention, either for the way you look or behave, or because you perform better at something than other people do. If you wear our brand you'll stand out. Be African, Be Black.

Place your order now. Thank you…


Added by mbalothando on November 16, 2020 at 10:39am — No Comments


You associate with succes, and you surround yourself with inspired life builders.

Added by Patson kwinda on November 15, 2020 at 5:39pm — No Comments


There is a time when the builders start searching for broken bricks so that they can fill a gap to make their work complete.

Some of us are like broken bricks, we were ignored, thrown away, considered as people of no value to the world but the time has come/is coming when there is a need of you to be fitted into their projects/lives to make it complete. At this point, they cant/wont do anything without you, their project will not look better if you are not included. Whether you agree… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on October 29, 2020 at 7:48am — No Comments

competition is not good

Never compare your children to other children in the community. We even grow up with this mentality of competing because growing up we are always told " Look at who he got all straight A's" or "Look at who his working now" That's why we grow up hating each other instead of helping each other. That's why your " Best friend" will not even bother telling you if theres an opening at her work place.

We must not pass this mentality to the next generation. If your kid is wrong tell him his… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on October 28, 2020 at 6:37am — No Comments


These days if your 30 have a car, house a perfect job and marriage your very lucky.

You finish matric at the age of 18 then go to University 4 years. At 22 you complete your degree. Look for an internship . By the age of 24 you get your internship or a six month contract. After companies have used you they don't employ you. They exploit the next desperate graduates to cut labour costs.

At the age of 25 your unemployed, fed up you decide to get a job at a restuarant. Save money .… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on October 27, 2020 at 10:51am — No Comments

What a privilege!

As a new week has began, i gladly reflect on a zoom meeting that i was part of last week, 'The revenue-generating brand building kickass marketing strategy session'.

In entrepreneurship, there's challenges but at the end of the day, they have to be resolved and i'm thankful that we were given room to ask questions which were replied to. I've learned that it doesn't matter how small a business is, marketing is the way to go and how one relates and communicates with customers is very… Continue

Added by Khuthala on October 26, 2020 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Will our children live better lives than us?

Will our children live better lives than us?

I don't think so. Unemployment rate is very high and people have babies out of wedlock.

. There's no way we will have better lives. Alot of people are at the age of 35 but have no proper employment and have alot of kids.

Alot of couples are unemployed struggliwng to raise their kids.

Atleast us our parents were nurses, teachers etc and most married had houses.

Our children will be raised in Flats. No garden… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on October 25, 2020 at 8:20am — No Comments


PERSEVERANCE it is my second name. I have been through a lot 2020 has not been on my side but with God I still survive. 2020 showed me that life is full of surprises, disappointments and it reminded me that life is too short so now we need to enjoy it in a proper and respective manner untill the last day.

I may not post everyday but I will not forget that there is still youthzones which helped me to grow and one of the reasons I am a better person today. Deep down I know that…


Added by Nomfundo Mells Madlala on October 24, 2020 at 9:22pm — 2 Comments

Things you need to sacrifice

Things you must sacrifice to be wealthy

Some few things hinder us in life to be successful, most of us know them, but we mostly ignore them while others do not know what is that that is dragging them behind, to be successful in life there has to be discipline and when you are disciplined enough you will be willing to sacrifice them.

Here is the top list of things you must sacrifice:

Friendship with poor people

Don't get me wrong when I say poor… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on October 24, 2020 at 2:27pm — No Comments

marketing session

We are now in the Digital Economy. I think the marketing session will help us because we are still new in the business sector. I want to learn more about digital marketing because the world is changing, everything we do it's digital now. The other thing I want to learn about it's about branding. But the session was good because without makert the is no business

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on October 24, 2020 at 2:14pm — No Comments

011 Jozi Ungasabi/Pusha Mzala

I have established two businesses of which one the main focus was on record label and the other one on clothing apparel in recent months I have found it difficulty how to market because of the pandemic which has affected the whole world and with difficulties on how one can re establish his business and be relevant with the recent changes that we are facing .with all this frustrations and not knowing where to start and approach my customers it was then a privilege to be part of the marketing…


Added by Tanaka Bobo Mpofu on October 23, 2020 at 1:56pm — No Comments


"Although our lives aren't meant to be totally run by other people's reactions, their reactions are often reflections of our own"

Added by Patson kwinda on October 20, 2020 at 8:31pm — No Comments


Added by Denice Bongani Maphanga on October 18, 2020 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Kuthatha Isikhathi

First and for most I would like thank Youthzones for always being supportive and beveling in me regardless of my disability.

on the 18th of March 2020 was amputated below knee and immediately we went straight to lock down of which it was unexpected of but during my admission at the hospital I got all the support from Youthzones both financial…


Added by Tanaka Bobo Mpofu on October 13, 2020 at 2:27pm — 1 Comment

Earl antenatal booking

Ladies, you missed your period?

Go get a pregnancy test done.

Turns out negative, seek medical help.

Turns out positive, go get booked at the clinic. There you'll discuss everything you need to know about the pregnancy. Even know your options if you decide to not keep the baby.

There's absolutely no need for you to arrive at the hospital with your baby already coming out and there's no known obstetrical history about you and your… Continue

Added by wayne on October 11, 2020 at 11:12pm — No Comments

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