Limpopo - Steelpoort

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  • Denice Bongani Maphanga

    Posted by Denice Maphanga on January 23, 2019 at 9:14pm
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    Yes it is true and very naked that being under procrastination you will waste your time for nothing. Putting off doing something is waste of time. They once said time wasted never regained ,while a river that can swallow a woman will never talk. In this life time is money and we always tracking everything we do on time to be accomplished so that we will never be under PROCRASTINATION.

    Procrastination is the destroyer and penetrator of our futures in a way of putting us in all bad doing things. It is never too late to start over and wake up and also avoid being under procrastination. Procrastination is the thief of our time and it is here to destroy us. I say no to procrastination and say yes to punctuality.

    Being under procrastination is not a curse but an ignorant matter that is it easily to be monitored and get on a path of good life without procrastination. In this time of life patience pays much better than being in a hurry that will put you in procrastination then fail to accomplish your dreams. Procrastination must fall and ignored.

    I would like to conclude by saying , Only a good Dog deserves a good bone.

    Thank you.Regards : DENICE MAPHANGA
  • Denice Bongani Maphanga


    Posted by Denice Maphanga 

    It is high time to get out of comfort zone and get out there to see what life has for you. I am committed into W&RSETA #WHOLESALE & RETAIL SETA Learner-ship. Is now 4 months getting the experience of wholesales and retails,and i am feeling so good because it reflect that in life everything is possible at all time. It offers huge opportunities that requires RESPECT,DEDICATION AND HARDWORK.

  • Denice Bongani Maphanga

    Success isn't about how much money you make but how many people you empower and the differences you make in their path.