It is the mark of an educated mind tobe able to entertain a thoughtwithout accepting it.Education is not preparation for life;education is life itself.Lets take Education very seriouse its the key to many thing in our life.
Coming out second in the LFA League last season, Eyethu United is shaping up again for another good performance and hoping to win this time around.
i'm the captain of eyethu united football club i' want to thank you for all the things you have done for our team and continue doing for other teams.
u gave da youth of orange farm a hope.
Do you think people really want money or just the idea of having money is what they have and/or wish for?What actions are they taking in showing that they really want money, or maybe someone will ague that they don't want it rather they need it.What is your opinion? Lets Talk.
What are your team goals for this year?If you haven't thought about now is the time, we would like to know.
I just spoke to Vulindlela Primary School's principal and she raised a concern about ADIS education for primary school kids hance the question I just posed
Besides Sports, what else would you wanna do with your life? Tell us we wont laugh.