Limpopo - Steelpoort

Be Awake: Competition!

We are launching this web competition between Steelpoort and Rustenburg.

It simple, by a specific date (somewhere in July) the site with most Youthzone website members will win R4000! Simple. Easy... 

Talk and make a plan! 

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    Schalk van Heerden

    If no site have reached 75 members, there will be no prize pay-out.

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    Precious Mphogo

    This might sound as complain but is the real experience and facts. I think I am a hard worker who deserve to win such competitions. Before you published this competition I was having 41 members on my group but now I have 51 members Rustenburg was 84 since I began to have an access to my laptop and modem on January 2014. I found Steelpoort side with less than 10 members. When I am trying to sign-on people as members your system reject them in 30 it can approve only 4 ( I stacked with a dairy with about +50 peoples detail & emails who I opened the gmail addresses to them).


    I can see the minimum target of 75 member to qualify I am against it, due to your IT system which does not approve the people we are trying to register I even alerted Doc about it.

    For statistics point of view please do this; check on the time which you have engaged with Rustenburg and how long did they have the IT sources and also check with Steelpoort I got the Laptop during the 20 December 2013 I bought my modem during January. Nevertheless I am a sole IT active member at Steelpoort. NB: Use the PROBABILITY Formula to determine this 

    I only get 1gig bundles and I need to manage them wisely to last me for a month while the active member in Rustenburg have about 10gigs.


    Due to the statements given above I think we deserve that price at steelpoort