Behind every great idea, there will
always be somebody who will be
discouraging you by telling you
that it won't work.
They will tell you it won't be
successful. They can even go to
the extent of giving examples of
people who have tried and failed.
People will make attempt to make
sure they discourage you from
embarking on the journey to
success but I want to tell you that
nothing will be achieved by you if
you are waiting for the time
everybody will agree to support
your dream.
It is better to be alone achieving
your dream than to be in midst of
mediocre celebrating failures. It is
a new month, dream big, aim high,
start small and never give doubt a
chance. "Ideas will always rule the
world"...I want to be part of your
success story!
Joel Mlauzi
if u a doing ur thing dont mind peopleĀ
Mar 2, 2016
Slindile(Biga Luv12)Mabina
Mar 3, 2016